Tramp Freighter Captain
This is a character template published by West End in their Galaxy Guide 6: Tramp Freighters supplement. It represents a typical light freighter pilot, and is ready for use in your games.

Character Name:____________________
Species:__________ Sex:____ Age____
Height:__________ Weight:__________
Physical Description:______________
Background: Ever since childhood you showed above average skill in piloting spacecraft; your business savvy wasn't too shabby either. The Empire tried to recruit you, but wary of any institution that could mandate your daily activity, you declined and kept your freedom. Sure, you know the rebellion is out there but- like any shrewd entrepreneur- you realize that facing down the Empire is the weak position in the Deal.
So you decided to live by your own skills. The loan shark was no charmer, but hey, credits are credits. you've got your beat up light freighter and a hefty interest payment every standard month, but it's just you and your shipagainst the universe: just the way you like it.
Now if you could get that blasted hyperdrive coupler to function, you'd be in business. . .
Personality: You are a wanderer and a traveler at heart, and your tramp freighter captaincy allows you to indulge this wild streak (and maybe make some cash while you do it). You love it, even when you miss the occasional payment to the loan shark and his thugs show up and are a bit...stern... with you. No one said business was easy.
Objectives: To make some money, modify your ship to make it a more effecient freight hauler, and to have some fun.
Quote: "Hey, I don't have the oney yet, but I've got this simple little spice run to Quockra..."
Equipment: Comlink, hold-out blaster(3D), modified stock YT-1300 freighter (with 10,000 credits worth of modifications), 4000 credits, 40,000 credits debt to loan shark.

Dexterity 2D+2 Mechanical 3D
Blaster ____ Astrogation ____
Brawling Parry ____ Beast Riding ____
Dodge ____ Repulsorlift Oper. ____
Grenade ____ Space Transports ____
Melee Combat ____ Starship Gunnery ____
Melee Parry ____ Starship Sensors ____
Vehicle Blaster ____ Starship Shields ____
Strength 2D Knowledge 3D+1
Brawling ____ Alien Species ____
Climbing/Jumping ____ Bureaucracy ____
Lifting ____ Cultures ____
Stamina ____ Languages ____
Swimming ____ Planetary Systems ____
Streetwise ____
Survival ____
Perception 3D+2 Technical 3D+1
Bargain ____ Computer Prog/Repair____
Command ____ Demolitions ____
Con ____ Droid Programming ____
Gamble ____ Droid Repair ____
Hide ____ First Aid ____
Search ____ Repulsorlift Repair ____
Sneak ____ Security ____
Space Trans. Repair ____
Special Abilities:none. Move:10 Force Pts:__ Force Sensitive?____
Dark Side Pts:___ Character Pts:___

Dependent Films