Located near the Corellian Trade Spine, the gas giant Bespin- and particularly the floating metropolis Cloud City- draws a lot of traffic to the system. Bespin features a temperate band high in the atmosphere, and has a fast period of rotation, providing its citzens two days and nights for every standard one.
Numerous independent airborne mining installations ride Bespin's wiind currents in various positions above the mighty gas giant- floating automated refineries, storage tanks bobbing above the clouds, and facilities which scoop gas from the cloud banks. Cloud City is the greatest of these installations.
Cloud City was built to take advantage of Bespin's great secret- that the gas giant produces spin-sealed tibanna gas, which is capable of boosting the firepower of blasters. The station has made it's fortune by covertly selling this gas to weapons maufacturers not associated with the Empire. Cloud City has kept its secret and avoided Imperial entanglements through several generations of Baron-Administrators, all the way down to the current supervisor, Lando Calrissian.
The upper city is also a great tourism spot for beings craving a luxurious resort far from the bustle and closed closed communities of the Core. The casinos, sports arenas, and dance halls of Cloud City are first class, and the natural beauty of Bespin give them a perfect setting.
Merchants and smugglers come from all over to Cloud City's grungy Port Town to trade and make deals. Add to them a number of refugees hiding from the Empire, and you can understand why Port Town gets dangerous at some times.

Type:Gas giant
Temperature: Temperate (in the Life Zone)
Atmosphere: Type I (in the Life Zone)
Hydrosphere: Moist (in the Life Zone)
Gravity: Standard (in the Life Zone)
Terrain: Gas Giant
Length of Day: 12 standard hours
Length of Year: 10,220 local days
Sapient Species:Human, Ugnaughts
Starport: Standard class
Population: 6 billion
Planet Function: Tibanna gas mining, gambling resort
Government: Guild
Tech Level: Space
Major Exports: Tibanna gas, tourism, cloud cars
Foodstuffs, mid tech, high tech

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