Tor Skylow
This is a gamemaster character that was published by West End Games in their Galaxy Guide 6: Tramp Freighters supplement. It is reprinted here completely for use in you games.

Capsule: Tor is a tall, physically-fit woman, with shoulder-length red hair. She is known for wearing lavish and ornate clothing befitting her role as an evil plunderer, but she actually prefers a simple military uniform when not "performing."
As a member of the Imperial Navy, Tor convinced the crew of her patrol ship to rebel against the Empire. Those unwilling to join Tor were dropped in an escape pod and left to float in space. Imperial propaganda reports that the men were left to die, but Tor actually called the Imperial base on Travnin and informed authorities of the pod's location.
Tor and her crew took her ship to a remote part of the Yelsain system where they modified the customs craft so that it was not instantly recognizable as an Imperial vessel. The crew then took to pirating, renaming the ship the Counter-Puncher. Mostly they interuppt Imperial shipments,but they have been known to waylay light freighters they feel are serving the Empire's needs.
Some of the goods they capture are on Yelsain for Bargain basement prices. In return, authorities on Yelsain hide the crew and ship in times of extreme emergency.
Tor is the archetypical noble thief and is also a born leader. Those who know her well cannot help but appreciate her honesty and contagious confidence.
Equipment: Blaster Pistol(4D), comlink, cybernetic arm(+1D to left arm to strength to resist damage in combat), flashy clothes, vacuum suit, 2,000 credits, and the Counter-Puncher.

Dexterity 3D+2
Blaster 6D+1
Brawling Parry 4D+2
Dodge 5D+2
Melee Combat 6D+1
Melee Parry 6D

Mechanical 3D+2
Astrogation 4D+2
Space Transports 6D
Starship Gunnery 5D
Starship Shields 4D+2

Strength 2D+2
Brawling 4D+2

Knowledge 2D
Planetary Systems 5D

Perception 3D
Con 6D+1
Search 8D

Technical 3D
Computer Prog./Rep.5D

Special Abilities:none. Move:10 Force Pts:2 Force Sensitive?Don't know.
Dark Side Pts:0 Character Pts:15

Dependent Films