Imperial Assault
This deck is one of the decks that I moved from the old site, and I haven't used it for ages, having replaced it with a more advanced version. It consists of:
CHARACTERS- Stormtrooper x7 FX-10 x2 AT-AT Driver Imperial Squad Leader Commander Brandei Commander Praji WEAPONS- Ion Cannon E-Web Blaster x2 Assault Rifle Imperial Blaster x4 Blaster Rifle x5 DEVICES: Tractor Beam Deflector Shield Generator Stormtrooper Utility Belt x8 Portable Fusion Generators x5 Stormtrooper Backpack VEHICLES AND STARSHIPS: Blizzard Walker Victory Class Star Destroyer Imperial Class Star Destroyer x2 SITES AND PLANETS: Hoth- System Hoth-Echo Docking Bay Hoth-Ice Plains Hoth-Defensive Perimeter EFFECTS: Swilla Corey x2 Blaster Rack Two Cold for Speeders Death Squadron Expand the Empire INTERRUPTS: Collapsing Corridor Imperial Supply Tactics: Coming Soon...