Mountain Giants
This deck has never been used, so I am looking for people to test it. If you use this deck, tell me how you did, and what I can do to improve the deck.

16x Mountains
1x Bloodrock Cyclops
1x Bone Shaman
1x Flowstone Crusher
2x Flowstone Giant
3x Hill Giant
2x Hulking Cyclops
1x Lithophage
1x Mountain Yeti
1x Subterranean Spirit
1x Talruum Champion
2x Tor Giant
Enchant Creatures
3x Errantry
2x Giant Strength
1x Maniacal Rage
1x Tahngarth's Rage
1x Veteran's Voice
Tactics: Big creatures, and nothing but. This deck focuses on a small number of powerful creatures, and attacking with them. Attack every turn, and victory will be yours.

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